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From the vibrant city of Miami, often known as the capital of South America, I was born to Argentinean immigrants who traveled to the United States in the 80s. My upbringing was a blend of tradition, resilience, and imagination.

My journey into communications began with an internship at a local radio station during my university years. Inspired by the power of storytelling, I made the bold decision to pivot my academic focus to Advertising, with a minor in Art, at Florida International University. While FIU didn't offer a dedicated film program, I absorbed every creative course available, from 2-D art to digital design, as well as ceramics and experimental video design - skills highly utilized in my career today.

Over the years, I've had the privilege to work with film festivals, corporate brands, and non-profits. My professional background and experiences as a Creative Director includes producing and hosting podcasts, web and app designing, as well as brand development for multiple brands. Yet, it was a lifelong dream of filmmaking that ultimately dared me to turn the page and start a new chapter. At the age of 28, I took a leap of faith and left the comforts of a traditional career to establish Tiny Studio.


Since then, I've immersed myself in the world of film as a member of the art department, taking on the roles of production assistant, set decorator, prop assistant, and production designer. When I embark on a journey, I take the opportunity to expand my artistic skills via classes and workshops. I've sketched and painted with a local artist in Madrid, explored the art of pastries in Lisbon and Buenos Aires, adding a flavorful dimension to my creative resume, and indulged the delights of wine and architecture in Barcelona.

As a designer, I create worlds that draw you in and inspire your imagination. Every detail has a purpose, and every choice adds to the story. These experiences profoundly shape my approach as a designer. They allow me to push beyond conventionality and the boundaries of creativity, one frame at a time - painting outside the lines.

About Me.

Illustration of a clapperboard as a character with eyes.

About Tiny Studio.

What is The Tiny Studio? 

It's my creative space, where I can be expressive with art and help others tell stories.


Why the name? 

It's literal and ironic at the same time. 


Literal because I create within a small space - as long as I have paper and pencil, the possibilities are endless. Although I am grateful for computers and phones (and use them to create), I believe one of the best skills we can obtain is the ability to be resourceful. When we learn to be resourceful, we realize we can do much with so little. 


Ironic because although it indicates being tiny, I'd say the ideas and work produced are grand. The name is personal and dear to me. I grew up in a time (not so long ago) before smartphones were a thing, computers were fun and games, and the internet wasn't as accessible as today. Add the fact that my upbringing involved little to no money; I had no choice but to get creative with my resources. Today, it's a skill that has set me apart from others.


What services do you offer? 

To put it short, it's creative storytelling. There isn't only one way to tell a story, my process usually begins with a conversation - to learn about a clients/brands needs and wants. Together we figure out the best format and I begin my design process. 


Why did you start The Tiny Studio? 

I spent some time trying to narrow down my specialty but I realized if I branched out on my own, I could operate a space where I could create freely. 

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